A cook living in a plantation at the base of a floating city was kidnapped to start a new religion. The story begins with a trial, climaxes with a hanging, and ends with a battle.
A courtesan residing in a shack under a road caught a rare disease for fame. The story begins with a seduction, climaxes with a spell casting, and ends with a ball.
An engineer dwelling in a villa within a small city was charged with a crime to start a rebellion. The story begins with a feast, climaxes with a hanging, and ends with a battle.
An aide dwelling in a mansion on a temple found an infant to restore balance. The story begins with a spell casting, climaxes with a potion brewing, and ends with a spell casting.
A perfumer restrained in a villa far outside of an abandoned fort woke up covered in blood for revenge. The story begins with a trial, climaxes with a battle, and ends with a flood.
A hatmaker dwelling in a dug out near a dam needs money due to insanity. The story begins with a potion brewing, climaxes with a hanging, and ends with a ball.
A mercenary living in a tent near a trading post was charged with a crime to collect a reward. The story begins with a party, climaxes with a theft, and ends with a coronation.
A scavenger resting in a hut far outside of a small river lost face to end a war. The story begins with a ball, climaxes with a court session, and ends with a spell casting.
A bounty hunter resting in a hut beyond a canyon was kidnapped due to a vision. The story begins with a ball, climaxes with a coronation, and ends with a ball.
A page camping in a hut just outside of an overgrown ruin was charged with a crime due to a vision. The story begins with a joust, climaxes with a feast, and ends with a hanging.