A wig maker living in a mansion within a treehouse was challenged to a duel to be restored to power. The story begins with a spell casting, climaxes with an execution, and ends with a coronation.
A ranger situated in a tent just outside of a floating city was charged with a crime to start a rebellion. The story begins with a kidnapping, climaxes with a coronation, and ends with a duel.
A shrew staying in a fort above a two story building lost a fortune due to insanity. The story begins with a coronation, climaxes with a battle, and ends with an invasion.
A wench arrested in a fort in a fjord was threatened to start a war. The story begins with a hunt, climaxes with a feast, and ends with a theft.
A sailor residing in a villa beyond a sparse forest was charged with a crime to crush the rebellion. The story begins with a coronation, climaxes with a coronation, and ends with a battle.
A carpenter visiting in a villa around a plain was thought to be dead to restore peace to the area. The story begins with a party, climaxes with a theft, and ends with a bath.
A mask maker hiding in a cabin within a trading post received a strange object to claim their prize. The story begins with a potion brewing, climaxes with a duel, and ends with a feast preparation.
An aide restrained in a tent around an abandoned church insulted a religion to end the conflict. The story begins with a feast, climaxes with a party, and ends with a coronation.
A warrior situated in a cave close to a large pond lost faith to blame someone else. The story begins with a trial, climaxes with a trial, and ends with a coronation.
A wizard visiting in a castle on a war zone caught a rare disease to start a war. The story begins with a ball, climaxes with a trial, and ends with a spell casting.