Random Medieval Plot For Monday, June 15, 2009
A youthful viscount named Ibon, an old sailor named Solia, and a middle aged lord named Dupeulf discovered a middle aged apprentice named Tusti. First there is a joust, then […]
A youthful viscount named Ibon, an old sailor named Solia, and a middle aged lord named Dupeulf discovered a middle aged apprentice named Tusti. First there is a joust, then […]
An older brewer named Yuri, an older puppeteer named Silvanio, and an adult paladin named Ermesinda threatened a teenaged orator named Eadwyn to pay a new debt. It starts with […]
Simmer thoughtfully like a dark stone. All giants chastise sunny, stormy adventurers. Shall the cold life spin?
An older storyteller named Brielle and an older money changer named Berenger were threatened with extreme hair growth. First there is a party in the Hunt Tale Brewery, then there […]
Desperation, grace, and exhaustion. Flaming, faceless tinkers speedily pull a hot, clear throne. Whoever shall murder the reef? For yet worship shall rise All bards belay gorgeous, rough warriors. Pain, […]
An adult peasant named Orrel, an aged innkeeper named Rudalla, and a young teacher named Efrain found an infant in a crevice. It starts with a birth in a fort, […]
The bard twirls like a wise wizard. Where is the fierce mage? And yet the light still desires. Worship is a sunny crystal. Loves talk! Hark! My wizard doth search! […]
A young executioner named Ortolfus lost faith due to the death of an older rat catcher named Aedilthryd. It starts with a spell casting, then to a joust, and ends […]
A bride named Aglaia, a venerable warden named Jeirgif, and a young wagonwright named Ruben blamed a venerable stable hand named Jyotsna for adultery. It starts with a theft of […]
Never buy a harper. Firey, flaming sails quietly buy a misty, red guard. Lo, luck!