Random Medieval Plot For Tuesday, May 26, 2009
A cleric named Lucchesino, his grandfather Izotz, and an aged mayor named Animvita demanded ransom for the Iron Boots. The action centers on a battle in a marketplace. A teenaged […]
A cleric named Lucchesino, his grandfather Izotz, and an aged mayor named Animvita demanded ransom for the Iron Boots. The action centers on a battle in a marketplace. A teenaged […]
Gorgeous, mystical counts correctly command a eager, gorgeous adventurer. And yet the harp still desires. Never desire a wizard. Whoever shall push the king? And yet the breeze still steals.
An adult peasant named Jarunsuk was charged with witchcraft. It starts with a battle in a quiet lake, then to a hunt, and ends with an invasion of a banshee. […]
All blades desire big, faceless swords. Stormy lights assassinate a stormy harp. Gorgeous crystal shall not delay, no! Whoever shall push the shield? The wench sails like a wise lad.
An aged beggar named Virus blamed an adult raider named Gunnora for theft. The action centers on an assassination. A youthful gravedigger named Clara and an aging bounty hunter named […]
The mage weeps like a flaming girl. Hark, time! Must love be so small? Must circle be so strong? Whoever shall chastise the dragon?
A young sculptor named Thorrie lost a duel with a teenaged shrew named Sukumar. It starts with a kidnapping of an older poet named Wigmar, then to a bazaar, and […]
The moat gracefully commands the light. Reputation! The clear deity of far. Firey love shall not delay, lo! Never shall loneliness and adaptation be clear. And yet the sword still […]
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And yet the river still hustles. Ooh! My courtesan doth travel! Why does the god endure? Why does the breeze falter?