Random Medieval Plot For Wednesday, May 13, 2009
A sincere and vain aging guild mistress named Gothora, a serious but gruff youthful astrologer named Rodrico, and an educated but nervous aged wizard named Philomeleides in a crowded tavern […]
A sincere and vain aging guild mistress named Gothora, a serious but gruff youthful astrologer named Rodrico, and an educated but nervous aged wizard named Philomeleides in a crowded tavern […]
A competent and indecent child orator named Ricmann dwelling in a tree house near a cavern insulted a religion. First there is an accusation, then there is a feast. A […]
A firm but deceitful youthful bride named Maysoon and a patient and bossy adult hypnotist named Heidolfus camping in a cabin far beyond a castle needed to find the Lusty […]
A modest but overemotional old actor named Dwarvard arrested in a villa around a barn attacked by a goblin. It starts with a trial, then to a quest for the […]
A confident and indecent young villain named Jenawilda arrested in an underground shelter just outside of a marsh was ordered to find the Red Throne to gain freedom. It starts […]
A patient but chaotic old carpetmaker named Mante, an innovated and reckless young raider named Elsteen, and a courteous and self righteous venerable hypnotist named Goldee visiting a brothel within […]
A gentle and pretentious gypsy named Numbreth, an honest but absent minded ancient duke named Hisston, and a brave but indifferent adult queen named Fateia situated in a fort just […]
A firm but cranky youthful cook named Scoffard, a responsible but aloof child scavenger named Smil, and a charming but uncooperative teenaged foot solder named Borgo visiting in an inn […]
A loyal but weak willed old metalworker named Chintana placed in an igloo beyond a war zone insulted a religion to start a new government and to conceal their true […]
A competent and fickle middle aged potter named Ellaasla and an innovative yet inflexible ancient zookeeper named Ingreriana held in a cave around a dam unknowingly revealed a secret to […]