Random Medieval Plot For Friday, May 15, 2009
An optimistic and vain young foot solder named Cuaillemech and an unpretentious and haughty adult horsetrainer named Greyban insulted a religion. First there is a feast preparation, then there is […]
An optimistic and vain young foot solder named Cuaillemech and an unpretentious and haughty adult horsetrainer named Greyban insulted a religion. First there is a feast preparation, then there is […]
A responsible but stubborn ancient idiot named Diondre, a decisive and indifferent ancient interpreter named Siraaj, and an empathic but paranoid middle aged hatmaker named Sudarshan were ordered to find […]
A loyal but bossy ancient pitchmaker named Henry hiding in a villa in an abandoned town was challenged to a duel by a a gentle but perfectionist child guard named […]
A candid but squeamish aged shipbuilder named Alaa, a faithful and bossy aged armorer named Skygal, and a responsible and petty teenaged friar named Horntus situated in a palace near […]
A practical and meddlesome old roofer named Jennatola, a self sufficient and squeamish young bishop named Richhelm, and an inspiring but overambitious teenaged cleric named Adham situated in a castle […]
An open minded but shy older serf named Vidal, a self sufficient and spiteful middle aged prostitute named Gretaetta, and a modest and cranky ancient duchess named Gemvere hiding in […]
A self sufficient and spineless aged warrior named Gretarora, a selfless but squeamish adult stable hand named Periopis, and a humorous but fickle young butler named Dulciwyn were arrested in […]
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A responsible but suspicious old dignitary named Arabante situated in a palace around the ruins of a castle framed a friend for murder. It starts with a dungeon crawl, then […]
A humble and pretentious traveller named Miniato visiting in a barn beyond a farm woke up covered in blood. It starts with a sighting of a vampire, then to a […]